Porto Itapoá is 11 years old and has a success story to tell
Fisherman’s Stories: a book tells the history of the fishermen of Itapoá
Porto Itapoá carries out its 12th Break Bulk operation in 2022
On June 26, Porto Itapoá carried out another successful Break Bulk operation. Two pieces, which together add up to 79 tons, were unloaded from the ship CMA CGM Rhone, owned by CMA. The pieces were shipped in Rotterdam, Holland, bound for Caçador, in the interior of Santa Catarina state, in Brazil. The operation started at 4:40 am and lasted about an hour, with a designated team of eight employees.
The Porto Itapoá’s operations manager, Thiago Santos, highlighted the efficiency of the operation, which followed a prior planning to the letter. “We have a team and a structure dedicated specifically to break bulk, which brings us a lot of confidence”, he explained. This is the 12th operation of this nature this year and a future calendar is already being defined. “Our standard of efficiency and quality has attracted more and more customers interested in this type of service,” added Santos.
The team participated in an early professional dynamic focused on safety, so that it could carry out its activities with all the necessary precautions. The last operation took place on May 20th. Six loads of approximately 45 tonnes each for direct loading onto the BBC Direction vessel owned by BBC Chartering.
The loads are part of a subsea equipment consisting of a set of valves to control the flow of the oil well, installed on the seabed. The operation was carried out successfully and without incident, ensuring maximum safety for all involved, in the shortest possible time. The final destination of the cargoes was the port of Hammerfest, in northern Norway.